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Welcome to Faith Tabernacle

Our Vision

Welcome to Faith Tabernacle Church! Our vision is simple. We want to serve the Lord Jesus Christ!

It can all be summed up in the following words of Jesus found in Matthew 22:37-39, “Jesus replied, Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. ‘This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself.”

Loving God

Jesus is at the center of everything that we do. From our worship songs, teaching, preaching, children and youth programs.

Loving People

We are committed to helping our neighbor in every way, whether physical emotional or spiritual needs. We are committed to a caring nurturing body that is multigenerational and multicultural providing community and opportunity to grow in leadership.

Loving the Nations

We are committed to touching other nations by giving, sending, and going. As a result of this core vision our goal is to continue to grow spiritually and numerically. Reach out to our community individually and through the various ministries of the church. And to continue sending out teams and individuals to the nations.
Our website is currently undergoing a major renovation! As such, some links and functionality aren't working yet. Please bear with us as we update our website so you can have the best experience possible Thank you for your patience!
Faith Tabernacle
Orlando, Florida